Friday, October 14, 2011

Soup Kitchen Update

The Soup Kitchen began dwindling in numbers about a month ago.  The Pastor spoke with me about canceling it during the summer months here since there is typically more work available so less men would be available to come.  I told him we needed to pray about it.  

Well, God answered that prayer and showed us His will about 30 minutes later!  We had gotten down to only around 7 men coming but that day over 25 men showed up and they all stayed for the Bible study!  This pattern has continued over the past month and we have had anywhere from 25 men to 40 men each week with maybe only 1 or 2 having to leave before the Bible study. 

It is incredible to see them soaking up God's Word.  They all have Bibles now and are beginning to ask for Bibles for their wives.  Most of them can't share their Bible with their wife because they speak different languages.

We are going through the book John and have made it through the first 2 chapters now.  I'm amazed at how much they remember from previous weeks.  They really enjoy hearing about the miracles Jesus performed.  Please pray for them as next week we will begin chapter 3.  My prayer is that their eyes will be opened and they will see that God truly sent His only Son to die for everyone, which includes them.  I pray that the story of Nicodemus will show them how we can be born again when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

Many of the men have expressed interest in coming to church and some of them have started coming.  There is one man that I just love seeing the smile on his face that shows the transformation that has happened in his life!  Pray for them that the Holy Spirit would give them what they need to overcome the pressures and temptations that they face daily.


  1. How encouraging Kody!!! To God be the Glory!!! Thanks for sharing this and we will continue to pray for them as well as you that God uses your ministry to reach the lost. Love you all! :)

  2. This is wonderful Kody! Praying for you and Erin.
