I was reminded this past Friday of the power of God's Word. It is so incredible to see the Holy Spirit move. A typical Friday at the Soup Kitchen has us sharing a Bible story that is translated into Zulu, eating a meal, and then having a Bible study. This past week we decided to change things up. I had noticed a change in the men's demeanor the past couple of weeks during the Bible study and wanted to see where the Lord would lead.
This past week we only had a Bible study that was done in English. It's almost as if the men sat on the edge of their seats when they saw the Bible and I began to read from it. They were hanging onto every word and taking it all in. Usually when I hold a conversation with them either before or after the Soup Kitchen, it is difficult for me to understand them and vice versa. Durnig the Bible study there were no problems at all with them comprehending what was being taught! I just want to praise God for working in this way and opening the ears of 35+ men to hear His Word in a language that is not their own.
I felt led to give an invitation at the end of the study. In an African culture, if they can tell the answer you want them to give you they will do so, so as to not be rude. If you asked them to raise their hand if they wanted to accept Jesus, every hand would immediately go up. Same thing if you asked them to come forward. I decided to have them close their eyes and then asked them to look up at me if they wanted to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. About 6 or 7 men immediately looked up. I said a prayer and told them to say it in their heart if they truly believed it. I encouraged them to come tell me afterwards if they accepted Jesus. This is another big deal in African culture to admit you have become a follower of Jesus because it may mean you are shunned from your family/community because you have turned away from ancestor worship. No one came to me afterwards but I know that the Holy Spirit is working on many of them.
Please join me in praying for these men. Pray that they would see their need for salvation and how Jesus is waiting for them with His arms open wide.
Powerful stuff! So thankful God is working through you to reach those men. We pray for your work daily.